Monday, September 23, 2019
College visits are starting here at AAW. Please see the counseling tab on the AAW website for more information and to sign up. Students must register to attend.
If anyone is interested in joining the NAHS (national art honor society) please see Ms. Hemmingsen in the Art Room.
Also, See Ms. Hemmingsen if you are interested in submitting artwork for the Fraser fall festival (October 5th)!!
Attention ALL SENIORS! There will be a brief meeting Tuesday after school on September 24th from 3:35-4:15. Please be in attendance for important information about senior dues and graduation information.
Anyone who is applying or has applied for Student Council. All applications must be in by Wednesday, September 25th, by 3:30. NO EXCEPTIONS! There will be a meeting on Thursday for those who have applied to discuss the election process. Please be in attendance for this meeting. The first official Student Council meeting will be Thursday, October 3rd.