Arts Academy

in the Woods

Home // Daily Announcements // Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

SENIORS! ALL senior pictures are needed by February 1st if they are to be included in this year’s yearbook. A google form will be available for all seniors to upload their photos and supply their special quote. Contact Mr. Guay for any questions.

Student Council will be holding a penny wars between the grades starting on January 27th during all lunch hours. Penny wars will end on February 13th. The winning grade will win an ice cream social. All proceeds will be donated to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).

The annual school lock-in will be held on Saturday, February 1st at 8:00pm to Sunday, February 2nd 8:00am. The doors to the lock-in will open at 7:30pm and doors will be closed and locked at 8pm. Earliest pick-up on Sunday will be at 6:30am. Tickets are $20 each ($2 from each ticket will be donated to LLS). Tickets will be sold during all lunches. Tickets WILL NOT be sold at the door. Each student will be handed a permission slip when tickets are purchased. All permission slips must be turned in upon arrival to the Lock-in. Guest are not permitted.

Attention Students: If you are interested in being a performer, an emcee, or a coordinator in this year’s Black Cultural Assembly, there will be a brief meeting after school on Thursday, January 30th from 3:30-3:45PM in room 103.

The scholastic exhibit and award ceremony will be on February 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM at the Lorenzo Cultural Center. It is the opening day of the scholastic exhibit. Please support your classmates by attending! Many of our AAW students have been recognized!


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