The need for arts academy schools has been apparent for quite some time.
Long before there was such a wretched creature as COVID-19, schools were cutting back on arts education. Then this last year made matters even worse.
During 2020-21, the arts in school have felt increasingly extracurricular. And for students, teachers, parents, and society at large, this is one giant step backward.
Creating and Viewing Art Is Healing
The past two years have put many of us into a tailspin. And it’s not easy to know where to turn. But stand in front of a masterpiece painting, take in an ancient sculpture, or sit quietly and listen to classical music and you’re sure to feel the wonder of it all. Art has the power to transmit emotion. It allows us to imagine a future we can all share as one.
In other words, there’s nothing that moves us like art. So it’s vital that young people have access to it – both as viewers and creators.
Viewing and creating art allows all of us to express and channel difficult emotions; to make sense of a world that seems nonsensical. Drawing and sculpture, photography and painting, music and dance are all so much more than just hobbies. They are direct routes to catharsis and an antidote for uncertainty.
Arts Education Is More Crucial Now Than Ever
As conventional education continues to place a premium on a narrowing curriculum, rote memorization, and high test scores, creatively-minded students are being brushed aside. What’s worse, many teachers are questioning their calling. The arts bring a certain experience to learning and teaching that can’t be replicated.
Meanwhile, students who are struggling socially or academically are better able find themselves when immersed in the arts. They can make themselves heard. Parents of students who attend schools with strong art programs report that they feel more like a community. There is inclusiveness.
In addition, teachers say the arts help them connect across disciplines. At arts academy institutions, educators teach math through music, science through sculpture, or even physics through dance. The list goes on.
The Need for Arts Academy Schools
It’s increasingly obvious that students who attend the lowest-performing schools in the country don’t have access to the arts. And as the focus shifts to digital learning that widens the already formidable educational equity gap, disadvantaged students are left in the dust.
While federal, state, and local officials are currently struggling to fund arts programs, hire more art teachers, and buy more instruments and supplies for conventional schools, arts academy schools already have these in place. Along with a demanding curriculum that includes math, science, history, and literature, students are given the time, space, and resources to dance, write, draw, paint, create music, and sing.
Why is this important?
Studies have shown that students who have the arts in their core curriculum also show improvement in their math and reading skills. An education that includes art is also connected to lower suspension and dropout rates, as well as higher GPAs and SAT scores. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, young people who study the arts demonstrate higher levels of social tolerance, empathy, civic engagement, and problem-solving capabilities.
These are invaluable skills as young folks are preparing to enter a more troubled world than past generations did. They’ll need creativity to solve the increasingly complex issues coming their way.
Desperate Times
The effects of the pandemic, along with years of political hostility and centuries of systemic racism, have left their mark. Young people are experiencing levels of anxiety and depression never before seen. And with funds consistently cut from school-based mental health services, there needs to be a more viable solution.
Restoring the arts to our educational system is a crucial first step in helping everyone to heal themselves, one another, and their communities.
Allow Your Child to Shine in Arts Academy Schools
There’s no doubt that this next generation has their work cut out for them. Without a solid understanding and grasp of the arts, they will face these challenges unprepared.
So if you think your child could benefit from the amazing educational opportunities offered by arts academy schools, then contact us today to request a tour of our school.
And prepare for possibility.