Arts Academy

in the Woods

Home // Daily Announcements // October 8, 2019

October 8, 2019

Our next assembly will be on Friday, October 18th. If you are interested in performing, please pick up an audition packet (outside room 104), complete the required forms, and audition with your corresponding arts teacher no later than Thursday, October 10th. Please see Mrs. Collins in Room 106 if you have any questions.

College Visits: The October college visit sign-up is now open! Please see the counseling tab on the AAW website for more information and to sign up.

NHS students:
Our first NHS meeting of the school year in this Thursday, October 10th during your lunch period in room 103. Please bring your lunch to the meeting. All current and potential NHS members are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Ms. Chappelle if you have any questions.


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