Arts Academy

in the Woods

Home // Daily Announcements // March 28, 2023

March 28, 2023

March is READING month! Pick up a book at your local library and/or join a reading library online, ie: Libby, OverDrive, or Suburban Library Cooperative, on your devices.
March is also Women in History month. Do you know who Frida Kahlo is?

In Cafeteria news: There is now a “share table” at all lunches. Students can share items such as milk, pre-packaged foods like fruit cups or carrots. Entrees and fresh apples and pears cannot be shared.
Quarter 3 ends this Friday, and so does the month of March. Students should complete and submit any outstanding assignments. Final grades and report cards will be completed after Spring Break. Check PowerSchool for current grades and any missing or late assignments.
Detentions: If students received a detention, but have not yet served it, they should be prepared to help clean up after the assemblies.
School will be closed April 1-9th for spring break. School resumes on Monday, April 10th. State testing will take place on the 12th and 13th, and school will be closed on Friday, April 14th for teacher training.
Literature Club will begin on Tuesday, April 11th. This is a new club, and will be held right after school ends. (Location is TBD), stay tuned.
Please check the Lost-n-Found benches before leaving for break on Friday.


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