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Getting Creative During Isolation

Right now, most of us are faced with more isolation than we’ve known before.

This health crisis that even just a year ago seemed inconceivable is forcing everyone to look at humanity and re-evaluate the ways we’ve ALL been living.

It’s giving us a chance to look at how much we’ve lost touch with our spiritual side in exchange for the rote and mechanized activities of daily living.

And all of this exploration and questioning lends itself perfectly to getting creative during isolation.

That’s exactly what many of us are doing.

The Rise of the Introvert

The time of the introvert has arrived.

Folks who thrive in solitude rather than feed on the excess of external stimuli find that this is a time of exceptional creativity.

Sure, you can benefit from brainstorming and interacting with others. But most artists will tell you that by shutting out the world, they’re able to zone in 100% on their craft and give it their undivided attention.

In what used to be our “normal” world, carving out that time could be difficult. Making time for solitude meant getting up an hour early each day or getting away for some time each afternoon. Somehow.

Now, we’re flush with time. And while solitude is an important part of human existence, a lot of us are feeling like maybe there’s just a little too much now.

It’s an opportunity though. This is a time of exceedingly limited distractions – social or otherwise. We can’t go out to meet friends for coffee or hang out at their houses. We can’t even go to a park or the zoo.

There are no more excuses. In our homes, or wherever we are, we have a unique luxury of using all of this inside time to observe the outside world.

Yes, the culture and art that we create in the coming weeks and months to fill our time in isolation will provide a distraction.

But more importantly, it will also provide profound meaning.

The Value of Culture and Art

Art and culture contribute to the national economy and play a big role in social cohesion. This is because of their intrinsic value which represents itself in two forms.

First, our culture is a steady source of thoughts, feelings, images, stories and moments which come together to define us. It’s our “background” and it brings us meaning, pleasure, and CONNECTION. Right now, we’re looking for these elements more than ever.

Second, and even more important, it’s the place where we find our best selves. To act creatively is to act generously. To be creative is to give to others through a selfless impulse to share.

This is what makes creating is one of the most fundamental parts of being a human.

But most of us have been too busy with all of the activities in our lives that we’ve gone from human beings to human “doing”s. For many of us, the notion of taking a break to attend to our creative endeavors felt lazy or irresponsible.

That’s simply not the case right now. There’s plenty of time for getting creative during isolation.

Yet, so much isolation can leave us feeling anxious, agitated and even restless. The inclination may be to avoid creating in exchange for burying our proverbial heads in the sand.

But here’s the thing…

Getting Creative During Isolation Combats Restlessness

Being alone and isolation – especially when it’s mandated – can feel especially difficult.

Giving in to those creative impulses is one of the healthiest things you can do right now. It helps you to maneuver through time rather than be overwhelmed by it.

It makes social distancing more bearable.

Creativity comes in many forms. Of course, there are the obvious avenues of painting, writing, drawing, creating music, etc. But creative endeavors that are considered crafts rather than art are also relevant right now.

Perhaps you start to piece together a quilt that exhibits your favorite artists. Or you spend time every few days just talking with elderly family members to create an updated family history story.

Paint a mural in your bedroom. Choreograph a dance to your favorite song. Take up knitting or embroidery crocheting.

Even if such activities initially bring up feelings of frustration, sadness, or anger, they allow for release. And all of this brings comfort.

Increasing our methodologies of creativity is something over which we have control. And it’s a surefire way to combat restlessness.

In the midst of all that is happening around us right now, it is the creative people who are going to appease, comfort, and care for the minds and emotions of society. It’s a noble endeavor.

Getting Creative During Isolation

Challenges aside, it’s when we’re alone and creating that we learn the most about who we are.

Creating art during this time of isolation allows for internal reflection. It demands that we go into the depths of our being.

So keep on persevering and creating! This too shall pass.

And when it does, if you feel that an arts middle school/high school could be the perfect place for your child this fall, plan to come and take a tour of our school.

In the meantime, read some of our other great articles in our blog to get a deeper sense of Arts Academy in the Woods and everything we do to shape and mold future creative adults.


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