Arts Academy

in the Woods

Home // Daily Announcements // Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

Test-out Exams: If you are interested in taking test-out exams, you must sign-up ONLINE by Friday, November 8th. You can sign up for test-out exams online on the AAW website… click on “Important Documents and Resources” under the Counseling Tab. Please see Ms. Chappelle in the Counseling Office if you have any questions.

College Visits: The November college visit sign-up is now open! We are coming to the end of our college visit season, so please take advantage of our last few visits in November. Please sign up online prior to the visits you are interested in attending. Please see the counseling tab on the AAW website for more information and to sign up.

Student Council is working hard to ensure every voice is heard. On the doors to the cafeteria, you can find QR Codes to take a survey about school lunches, and a school suggestions page.

Please join us this afternoon for the second bout of Slam in the Woods. This is a free event. AAW poets will compete for an opportunity to perform at the grand slam which is next Thursday, after school in room 212. See Mr. Campbell if you have any questions.

If you have a detention to serve it is due Friday November 8th. Please stay and stack chairs after the assembly and check in with Dr. Mitchell!

NAHS will be meeting in rm. 111 TODAY after school AT 3:30 pm


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