Advisory 2022
This school year Advisory will be targeted to give the small group of students in each Advisor’s class an alternative adult contact other than their teachers to provide guidance in resolving issues.
The term “Lighthouse” will be used in various materials to represent the fact that Advisors are not there to solve the student’s problem, but rather to guide them to the appropriate staff contact and suggest methods to communicate the issues.
Advisory will be the last (4th) 90 min block on Wednesdays (with two exception dates for Counting Weeks). A calendar is included in your online Advisory Reference materials.
As in the past, approximately every other Wed there will be a short Advisory session (~40 min) concluding with Assembly for the rest of the 90 min.
The documents provided as online Advisory Reference materials (located online at the Faculty Resources page of the website), will explain the structure of Advisory classes, some required items and some suggestions which you have the freedom to modify or substitute. Also provided will be materials which can be used by the Advisor for class presentations.