Who Do I Talk to About...
A guide for Arts Academy families on areas of staff expertise.
Your teachers are here to help you!
Your first stop is almost always the teaching staff
The Academy’s teaching staff is the first line of communication for parents and students with questions about day to day activities.
The following are general topics that can be discussed with teachers:
- Questions, comments or concerns about academic achievement or classroom discipline issues
- Questions about assignments or test grades
Parent Liaison
Parent Liaison
A Parent Liaison is a staff member (not a volunteer) who works to bridge the gap between home and school by helping parents get the information and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success. As a parent, the liaison is your private link, connection, and bridge to your child’s school.
Ms. White & Ms. Collins
Ms. Collins will support students in grades 6-9
Ms. White will support students in grades 10-12
Support staff will be available for any student in a crisis situation.
- Exploring career interests, or researching and developing career plans
- Information about missing credits, credit recovery, dual enrollment, or Early College enrollment
- Exploring college and post High school programs of study
- Individual or group counseling recommendations
- Help coordinating community/agency programs
Social Worker
Ms. McGee and Dr. Brown (School Based Mental Health Clinician)
- Learning about food banks, community mental health agencies, therapists, psychiatrists
- Learning about assistance and resources for homelessness
- Need for a liaison between agency and school
- Socio-Emotional issues a student is having that is hindering their learning
Outreach & Admissions
- Wanting to host a Shadow Student
- Wanting to help out with Open House, festivals, or other outreach events
- Having a friend/relative who wants to attend the Academy
- Needing help finding a carpool to/from school
- Wanting to put on an after school event or coordinate a club (Like a movie night, a game night, or an after school cub)
- Thinking of transferring to another school district
- Signing up for the monthly newsletter
The Principal
Dr. Mitchell
Our principal should be contacted regarding the following issues:
- General questions about the school
- Questions about school policies and procedures
- Questions about school-wide discipline issues or concerns
- Questions about the school’s mission or philosophy
- Concerns about the way an issue is handled by a staff member
Dr. Mitchell is usually available in the Main Office on school days.
The Board
The board is the last step for resolving an issue at AAW and they should be contacted for the following issues
- Appealing a disciplinary measure
- Proposing ideas for new programs or policy changes
- Concerns that have not been adequately addressed by school administrators
The board can be contacted during their regular, monthly Board meetings. Dates and times are listed on the school calendar
Test Out
In accordance with the Michigan Merit Curriculum Law 380.1278(a) (4) (c), Arts Academy in the Woods will grant students the ability to test out of Michigan Merit Curriculum course(s). Students who earn a qualifying score of no less than 78% on a “test-out” assessment will not have to take the course and the credit will be expressed as “Test Out -CR” for “tested out for credit,” on the student’s high school transcript and will be counted toward high school credit.
Note that by “testing out” of a course, a student will miss participation in discussions, classroom activities, and other opportunities to develop the skills that are nurtured by daily contact with the teacher and fellow students. Testing out requires that you put in the necessary time and effort to study and learn the content material.
Students can earn credit on courses they haven’t taken yet, if they can demonstrate that they know the subject well enough to pass the final exam without taking the course.
These exams are quite rigorous and there are several requirements:
1. Students must sign up for the test out exams by the deadline. See deadline date below.
2. We will provide a scope of content minimum of 3 weeks prior to the test dates.
3. Students will have up to 90 minutes to complete each exam. You will be given 50 multiple choice questions.
4. Students must earn at least a 78% on the exam to earn credit and “test out” of the course.
5. Students are eligible to sign up for a maximum of 4 test outs at a time, but it is recommended that students take no more than 2 test-outs due to the amount of preparation time and testing time frame.
6. Students must be prepared for the exam on the scheduled date. There are no make ups or retakes.
7. Test-outs are only available for MMC courses that are higher in sequence than the courses the student has already taken.
8. Students cannot test out of courses they have previously taken (passed or failed) or are currently taking.
9. Test Out Exams will be given at the school.