Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-35, which orders all K-12 school buildings to close for the remainder of the school year — unless restrictions are lifted — and ensures continuing of learning by setting guidelines for remote learning. District facilities may be used by public school employees and contractors for the purposes of facilitating learning at a distance while also practicing social distancing.
We will communicate to our community using School Messenger emails and Unified Classroom.
Again, be sure that our emails are not going to junk or spam folders and that your family has your log in information for Unified Classroom.
For additional details, please visit our Coronavirus Response Page
Our next steps will involve the creation of a . We have begun work to create a plan that includes details for how we will meet these goals:
#1 All students who were on track to graduate or progress to the next grade level will have the opportunity complete any requirements for their current courses. Students with credit recovery obligations prior to the beginning of this semester must still complete them.
#2 All students will have access to required learning opportunities to earn credit for this semester.
#3 All families will continue to receive support from our Social Work, Student Support, Special Education, and Counseling professionals.
#4 Our Spring activities will be rescheduled as much as possible. We will plan a graduation ceremony and Senior Prom to take place as soon as it is safe to gather in large groups.
#5 Our staff will receive the pay and benefits that their families had previously anticipated.
We will continue to meet with county representatives and our teaching staff to update our plan for our students. We will continue to align our expectations and plans with most of the Macomb County Districts. As our plans are finalized, we will communicate this to our community.