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Home // Daily Announcements // Announcements 09/13/2018

Announcements 09/13/2018

Student Council Elections will take place on October 1st in your 3rd hour homeroom.

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: There will be a brief after school meeting on Tuesday, September 18th. This will give seniors a chance to meet their new class advisers and ask any questions they may have about the upcoming year.

SHADOW: If you are interested in becoming a shadow host please see Mrs. Martin in Room 100.

ASSEMBLY: Our first assembly is right around the corner! If you are interested in performing in the first assembly of the year on September 14, please pick up an audition packet and audition with your corresponding arts teacher no later than Friday, September 7. Please contact Mrs. Collins in room 203 if you have questions about the upcoming assembly!

STUDENT TRIP: You are invited to London and Paris over this coming spring break 2019! Join our group on an amazing 9-day trip which includes visits to Windsor Castle, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Dover Castle, the Eiffel Tower, The Lourve, the Paris Catacombs and more!

Hotel, flight, bus, ferry ride (Dover to Calais), a night time boat tour in Paris (along the Seine) and breakfast and dinner are all included in the tour price.

And yes, parents and siblings are welcome to come along on this journey. See Mr. Campbell in room 212 for details.

COLLEGE VISITS: College visits are coming! We have many visits scheduled for September and October already. Please take a look at the bulletin board in the main hallway near room 106, the AAW website, or the Counseling website to see the dates and times and to register for the visits. Only students that sign-up for the visits in advance will be permitted to stay. Please see Ms. Chappelle if you have any questions.

The AAW Gaming club will meet starting today and every Tuesday in room 213 from 3:30- 4:30.

SCHOOL PLAY: Attention students, would you like to be a part of the play this semester? The Acting Department will be holding auditions for Vampire Hamlet this Thursday after school in the gym. Please come to the gym immediately after school if you would like to audition. Thank you, Mr. Fuchs.


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