Arts Academy

in the Woods

Home // Daily Announcements // 08/11/2023


Click here for a pdf: Welcome Back 2023-2024



Welcome back students and families of Arts Academy!! 

I am excited to see everyone very soon. I hope you are enjoying your summer. It has been busy, but productive in the office. Please read this letter carefully. It has valuable information that you will need to be prepared for the upcoming school year. 

To help our families keep up with our plans, there is a page on our website with resources for Back to School. We will update this page regularly but keep an eye on the dates. We also post the daily announcements on the homepage of the website.  

This year’s calendar is also available on our website at this link Arts Academy in the Woods Calendar. 

We will begin sending email updates weekly beginning in September, so keep an eye on the email address you registered your student with. 

Finally, remember to stay connected with us through our website at, through PowerSchool, and through our Facebook page at In addition to these communication portals, I will be sending regular emails, so make sure that we have your most current contact information! 

I have included a few items that families will need to know for the start of the school year, and I will send more information next week.  

 If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! 

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing everyone. I am really looking forward to getting started. I am expecting another year of incredible growth for the Academy! 

We look forward to seeing everyone again! 



Dr. Mitchell 


Returning Family Information Updates 

We want to ensure we have up to date information and a space for all returning students. To ensure continued enrollment and accurate information, returning students must complete the Back-to-School information updates at Family Information Gateway 


Parent Orientation 

We are working on details for the 2023 Parent Orientation meeting and details will be shared by August 21. 


Student Orientation  

New students will take part in orientation on August 30 from 8:30 – 3:30. Students should be dropped off at Door #3, by the flagpole.  

New Students will be provided with an Arts Academy T Shirt. Please complete this survey to ensure your student has theirs: New Student T-Shirts 

Overview –   

  • Students will start in the gym for a drum circle (paper schedules will be passed out)  
  • Students go to the advisory to meet with their advisory teacher and Orientation leaders 
  • Stations for photos, PowerSchool, tie dye, and scavenger hunt  
  • Lunch outside in the west parking lot  
  • Back in advisory rooms for overview/icebreaker activities, and how to use PowerSchool  
  • Walk schedule  
  • Back in the gym for staff slideshow and assembly 

We have 3 main goals for orientation: 

  1. Students will have pictures taken for their school ID and Yearbook. 
  1. Students will get their schedules 
  1. Students will learn about the Academy and how they can be successful! 

Returning StudentsAUGUST 31st

Returning students picture day and pick up schedule

  • 7th and 8th grade – 9:30-10:30 
  • 9th grade – 9:30 – 11:30 
  • 10th grade – 10:30-11:30 
  • 11th grade – 11:30-12:30 
  • 12th grade – 12:30-1:30 

Picture Day  

Picture day will be part of orientation on August 30 and returning students will have a scheduled time on August 31. Our school picture vendor is Lifetouch. Additional information is available on their website. 

School Name: Arts Academy in the Woods 

Picture Day Dates:  

New Students: Wednesday, August 30 

Returning Students – Thursday, August 31 

Picture Day ID: EVTDVTWJZ 


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 from 8:30 – 3:31 PM. Students should arrive no later than 8:25 a.m. and report to the Cafegymatorium for a short assembly. 

Please have your student bring a printed copy of their schedule from Unified Classroom, a notebook, and a writing utensil on the first day of school. 


The Academy has an annual (non-refundable) Materials Fee of $50 to cover the cost of art supplies and materials that are not covered by general education funding.  

Art supplies needed to attend our school are covered by this fee; however, we do recommend that students have basics like writing utensils and paper/notebooks, especially for the first day of school.  


Parents no longer need to worry about getting payments to the school on time or worry about sending a check to school with their child. They can make payments right online in just a few minutes! 

Families can use this link eFunds to set up an account and make payments. The link is also at the top menu of our website. We also accept cash or check payments in the office. 

Families use their student number to add students to their account. New Students will receive information with their student number at Orientation.  


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