Arts Academy

in the Woods

Home // Daily Announcements // 08/16/2023


Click here for a pdf: General Information 2023-2024 


  1. Please do not have food delivered to the school. We do not accept food deliveries for students, and we are trying to minimize the number of visitors to the building. If you need to drop off anything, please contact the office to set up an appointment.  
  1. It is imperative that students who carry medication, including inhalers or any other medication complete the appropriate medical paperwork. The forms can be found on our website’s Parent Resources page or provided through the main office.  
  1. Lost and found items are in the office or in the ‘bench near the office. Please remind your students to check there for any lost items. We disposed of items after about a month.   
  1. Yearbooks from previous years are still available. Email Ms. Allen ( if you are interested in purchasing one. The cost is $55. Information about the 2023 yearbook will be distributed soon. 


7:00 AM – 8:15 AM (7:30 – 8:15 AM Breakfast is Available) 

Door #3 (by the flagpole) will open at 7:00 am. Students arriving early must report to the gym until 8:00 AM. Students should remain on the first floor until 8:15 AM. 


8:45 – Sign in required. Students should report to the office for a pass after 8:45.  


  All students must exit the building by 3:45 PM, or be in the Hangout, a staff-sponsored club, workshop, or an after-school activity.  

3:45 – 5:00 – Hangout 

School Dismisses at 3:31 every day except Monday. On Early Release Day, students are released at 2:35. See the updated 2023 Daily Period Schedule for additional details 



Diamond Hospitality will provide food service options to our students this year for both breakfast and lunch. The schedule and cost are as follows: 

  • BREAKFAST – Daily from 7:30 – 8:15 AM.  
  • LUNCH – Daily during scheduled lunch periods.  

We are pleased to inform you that the State of Michigan has approved funding for all students in Michigan public schools to have healthy meals.  

The GREAT NEWS is that ALL students enrolled at our school can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE each day. However, students will be charged for items purchased a la carte. 

To help ensure that we continue to have access to all available funding resources, please complete the Household Information Form 



We have updated the Hangout hours and fees. Before school, the Hangout will be available from 7:00 – until 8:45. After school the Hangout will be available from 3:45 – until 5:00 pm. Please see the Hangout page on our website for additional details. 

The ‘Hangout’ is offered to students in grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 until 5:00 pm daily (unless otherwise posted). 

Students in grades 11 and 12 must have prior written approval from the administration to remain in the Hangout after 3:45 pm, but they are always welcome and encouraged to attend after school clubs or workshops. 

All students must submit the Hangout registration form and behavioral contract, signed by both the student and parent BEFORE the student may utilize the Hangout. The registration forms can be found on our website or in the main office. 

Complete the registration forms before Tuesday, 9/5/23 if your student plans to use the Hangout on the first day of school.  

There is a non-refundable registration fee of $40 per family each semester that can be paid via check or cash in the main office or with a credit card using E Funds for schools found on our website. 


Students should enter the building before 8:30 at door #3, by the flagpole.  

Students can enter the building via the Student Entrance at Door #14 between 8:15 and 8:45 

After 8:45, students should enter at the main office entrance, Door # 17.  

Students who drive should park in the student parking lot near the field. 

Students should be picked up at Door #3 after school by 4:00. After 4:00, the students in the Hangout will be dismissed from Door #15 in the west parking lot.  

 Pick up and drop off procedures 

  1. Please be respectful of our families who are picking up and dropping off. Please allow cars to merge into line and be patient while waiting to merge. Please move your car as far to the front of the line as space allows. Follow the arrows and allow other cars space to move around you if you are waiting for your student.  
  1. Please be respectful of our neighbors during pick up and drop off. Do not make U-turns on Caroline. There is not enough room, and you will end up driving over the lawns. Please drive around the building or approach Door #3 from the north. 
  1. Do not enter the fenced area with Fraser Buses off Masonic when dropping off or picking up kids. There are entrances to our parking lots on Caroline and Masonic. 



The Academy utilizes the School Messenger service to notify families of current and ongoing events as well as attendance issues and weather-related school closures. The service will automatically notify your family if your student is absent or tardy. This system uses your email and phone number as listed in Unified Classroom to send messages.  

We also use this service to send email notifications about the Academy’s programs and school cancellations.  

If you receive a message that you believe may be in error, please contact the main office. 

Our most valuable tool for communication is PowerSchool. Please be sure that you check PowerSchool regularly, at least once per week. If you are having difficulty accessing or understanding the information in PowerSchool, please contact the main office. Each family will receive a weekly update of grades, attendance, and any fees on Mondays starting 09/12. 



To call in an absence, please leave a message on the main office phone 586 294 0391   

To ensure the continued healthy and safe learning environment at the Academy, please follow the Screening Isolation and Quarantine Expectations.pdf 



For new transfer students and 7th graders, please review this updated information from the Michigan Health Department Vaccines Required for School Entry in Michigan 



If you have a question and you are not sure where to turn, our staff is here to help!! Please review the “Who do I talk to when I need assistance?” information on the counseling page of the Academy’s website.  


Student schedules will be posted in Unified Classroom for returning students on Monday August 28.  

New students will receive their usernames and passwords for Unified Classroom during the new student orientation on August 30.  

To request schedule changes, please complete the Schedule Request Form. Students should follow their original schedule until they receive an updated schedule from a counselor or administrator. 


Although food service will be provided at no cost to all families this year, it is important that everyone complete the Household Information Form It is very similar to the old Free and Reduced lunch form  

This information is critical in determining the amount of money that our school receives from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like Title I A, At-risk (31a), Title II A, E-Rate, etc. 

  • These supplemental programs have the potential to offer supports and services for our students including, but not limited to: 
  • Instructional support (staff, supplies & materials, etc.) 
  • Non-instructional services (counseling, social work, health services, etc.) 
  • Professional Learning for staff 
  • Parent and Community engagement supplies and activities 
  • Technology 
  • Pandemic-EBT 

We ask that you complete and submit it as soon as possible to ensure that additional funding for our school is available to meet our students’ needs. All information on the application is confidential.  

Without your assistance in completing and returning the application, our school cannot maximize the available State and Federal funds. 


The Academy has a highly active PTO. If you would like to learn more about how to support and get involved contact the PTO via email or follow their social media. 

Monthly PTO meetings will be announced on our social media pages 



PTO Social Media:Facebook: Arts Academy in the Woods –PTO 

Instagram: Arts Academy in the Woods –PTO  




The Arts Academy PTO is coordinating a super fun opportunity for the Class of 2024! 

Seniors of the class of 2024 do not need to drive or own a car to participate. All members of the Class of 2024 will have the opportunity to select and personalize a parking space in a designated area of the Student Parking lot, nearest the field behind the school. 

See the linked pdf here Parking Spot Project.pdf for important details on how to reserve your spot! 


If you have questions, please reach out to the PTO – 


* indicates required